I hope this might have embarrassed some of the sane people in attendance or at least caused them to re-think their views. I also noticed the smirk on Eric trump’s wife’s face while the younger trump daughter fidgeted about. Thank you for the recommendation for Reverend Budde’s book. However, I will not buy anything from Amazon.

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Love this! She walks the talk. I am wondering now if the Trump team walked in knowing he would be rebuked.

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I just purchased the audiobook on Apple Books.

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Buying her book right now

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I loved every minute of her speech. She spoke softly, and with grace, and yet the media is mocking her "liberal rant." I especially loved watching how uncomfortable it made them all. Vance kept glancing over at his wife in disgust while she stared straight ahead with no expression. Melania scowled, and Trump looked glum with his stupid pout. We need more clergy to do this.

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The post of slides is pretty tame. A Trump supporter asked me to join a MAGA private Facebook group. The coments and rage regarding this Bishop were pretty nasty. I was wondering where this supporter got her vitriolic memes that she posted on FB to which I have reponded to

at times.

Goodness in this group some, fortunately not all can be fairly abusive,...." harsh" is a good term to use in this mixed company.

Of course some pulled the Satan or Demon card. Then there are the labels and threats. I call them "keyboard wariors" when it gets really bad. I resond to the extreme ones sometimes. I use humor at times at how ridiculous some comments are. At other times I will say I feel sorry for those around them. If it is misogyny I will say I feel sorry for them women in your life. In an In Law group of mixed supporters I once said, " I can tell you don't live woth a woman with a post graduate degree." That really got them going. My husband is conservative, they know it and we have been married over 40 years. The MAGA members of his famimy have been divorced and are separated.

This Bishop gave a gentle rebuke from the pulpit that focuses on mercy, and the hurt and fear Trump is causing to his face. Of course there was this passive aggresive blink of his. From Tias quote the rebuke was only roughly a minute. He claimed boredom which is understandable since he really likes accolades.

What I like about the rebuke was that it modeled one way to stand up to this hatred. And it was in front of his family. Great modeling.

And for those of us who will use this approach, like with many abusers there is a blaming framed with " yes but." I reply that the hurt folks still remain having to navigate cruelty and are still hurt, then turn and walk away.

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